ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico has completed the transformation of the Customer Service Centres installed with the ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ Programme, and agreed with municipalities and the state government, into ‘Centros Luz en Casa’ which are owned by local entrepreneurs with women playing a leading role.

From 2012 to 2016, the ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ Programme supplied 7,512 Third Generation Solar Home Systems (3GSHS), which are providing a basic electricity service to 30,000 low-income people in scattered and isolated rural communities. A basis for assuring that service with 3GSHS is to offer to users, in strategic locations, technical services of advice, information and repair of systems, as well as bought of lamps and other compatible devices. Thus the Customer Service Centres (so called CAU) were started with the support of the municipalities and the state government under the umbrella of the execution of ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’.

Once the programme finished its implementation, and with the aim of assuring its strong and sustainable electricity service delivery model, the CAU were gradually replaced by Centros Luz en Casa. ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico identified and trained local entrepreneurs who, since the beginning of 2017, are giving service from their small family businesses. These are sited in reference localities of six Oaxaca regions where the users of ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ normally go to receive services as well as buy and sell products in the markets: San Sebastian Tecomaxtlahuaca (Mixteca), Santa Maria Colotepec (Costa), Juchitan de Zaragoza (Istmo), San Pedro y San Pablo Ayutla (Sierra Norte), Villa Sola de Vega (Sierra Sur) and San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec (Papaloapan).

It is highlighting that the Centros Luz en Casa of the first three mentioned localities are owned by women: Lizbeth, Diana and Deysi. The first of them explains her personal experience: “Collaborating with ACCIONA Microenergia by means of this centre has helped me to grow in knowledge, because I now know more about renewable technology… and economically: with this centre I have an additional income besides my shop so as to help feeding my family”. Diana and Deysi also express their enthusiasm for being part of this micro franchises network, and participating in giving the best attention to the families of ‘Luz en Casa Oaxaca’ in their surroundings.

This new activity is a challenge for them because, even though the gender equality is gaining ground little by little, in the rural areas of Oaxaca the majority of women are away from some sectors such as the technological one. Thus, the Centros Luz en Casa, besides offering an opportunity of personal and economic growth, help them to break down barriers.

ACCIONA Microenergia and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are included in the 2030 Agenda, a 15-year plan of action that favours the people, the planet and the prosperity. There are 17 SDG which are integrated and indivisible and that comprise the three dimensions of the Development: economic, social and environmental.

The rural electrification programmes of the ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation impact on those three dimensions, and directly on the SDG 7, Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

With the ‘Centros Luz en Casa’, the SDG 8, Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, is impacted too: these centres are owned by local entrepreneurs who have been trained technical, entrepreneurial and managerially so as to sell electric devices and offer other technical services to rural communities as independent professionals, and thus generate income for their families.

ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico

It is a non-profit association that was created by the ACCIONA Microenergia foundation to facilitate access to electricity to isolated rural communities, which are not included in the national grid extension of Mexico. During the last years, ACCIONA Microenergia Mexico has developed the 'Luz en Casa Oaxaca' programme under a public-private partnership with the Government of the State of Oaxaca and the Spanish and Mexican Agencies for International Development Cooperation.