ACCIONA acknowledges that biodiversity in itself is a vital natural resource of great value and supports its appreciation and preservation as a pre-requisite for economic development and social progress.
Today, Monday 22 May 2017, is International Day for Biological Diversity whose motto this year is Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism; moreover, the United Nations has declared 2017 to be the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. This day commemorates the adoption of the Agreed Text of the Convention on Biological Diversity, an international treaty whose general aim is to promote measures leading to a sustainable future.
As we know, climate change is seriously threatening biodiversity, whereas biodiversity has the potential to mitigate the impact of climate change. Biodiversity preservation must be a key consideration when designing development strategies. Accordingly, ACCIONA identifies and assesses potential impacts on biodiversity in the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases of its activities. Under its Sustainability Master Plan 2020, ACCIONA's strategic objective is to achieve a neutral biodiversity footprint.
The company recently published a report entitled 'ACCIONA, Global Commitment to Biodiversity', which presents some of the most interesting biodiversity preservation practices linked to ACCIONA's business activities, as well as outstanding actions within the company's Programme to Preserve and Improve Biodiversity.
Since 2012, ACCIONA has established a number of principles on biodiversity which are applied throughout the company and defined in its Biodiversity Policy.