The company exceeded its objectives and enters a new phase with the strategic priority of mitigating climate change under a new Plan running to 2020


  • 85.7 million tons of CO2 avoided in 2010-2015          
  • 264% improvement in the ratio of CO2 emissions avoided with respect to CO2 emissions generated (in tons)         
  • One-third improvement in ratio of energy consumption to turnover        
  • Positive water footprint increased over six-fold to nearly 500 cubic hectometres         
  • 876 million euros accredited on innovation in five years         
  • 86.6 million euros in savings due to process improvements from applied innovation        
  • 80% of Spanish suppliers have a sustainable development rating and more than 2.500 suppliers received training on sustainability         
  • Workplace accident frequency down by one-third with respect to 2011          
  • Differently-abled people represent 3.55% of the workforce in Spain         
  • Implementation of social impact management methodology at 47 projects in 18 countries in 2015

ACCIONA's commitment to #sustainability results in the fullfillment of its Sustainability Plan


ACCIONA completed its Sustainability Master Plan  2010-2015 at 2015 year-end and now begins a new stage with its sights on 2020.  An assessment of the SMP 2010-2015 shows broad attainment of the objectives and  some very significant achievements, both quantitative and qualitative.

The SMP 2010-2015 was  structured around nine areas with a  strategic approach towards generating distinctive competitive capabilities. The  goal of being a leader in sustainable solutions made it necessary to align  internal resources and the organisation itself with the goal of sustainability  and to ensure that this concept was transmitted to all the company's  activities. That was the only way of achieving those ambitious quantitative  objectives, especially in the area of energy and water consumption and  emissions reduction.

People. The first commitment to sustainability lies with  the company's people. Workplace safety and health, particularly avoiding  workplace accidents, are a priority. A one-third reduction in the workplace  accident frequency rate is a particularly significant milestone for ACCIONA,  and it was achieved thanks to the implementation of workplace safety models  based on certification to international standards.

Another important objective was integration into the  workforce of differently-abled people, who accounted for 3.55% in 2015.

A key element, was linking a percentage of variable  remuneration to achieving the objectives set in the SMP 2010-2015, which  reinforced all employees' commitment and involvement.

Environment. The company reduced its total emissions by more than  40%, from 1.1 million tons of CO2 in 2009 to 0.6 million tons in 2015. We have  gone from avoiding 8.7 million tons of CO2 in 2009 to avoiding 17.2 million  tons in 2015, thanks to our renewable energy production.

Regarding the water footprint, our goal in the SMP  2010-2015 was to multiply our net positive water contribution five-fold; we far  exceeded that objective, achieving a 6.4-fold improvement and bringing our net  positive contribution to nearly 500 cubic hectometres.

Innovation ACCIONA accredited 876 million euros on innovation  in 2010-2015, 75% more than the 500 million euros target. The impact of our  innovation activity is also reflected in the short term. The savings achieved  thanks to the process improvement innovations amounted to 86.8 million euros.

Value circle. Spreading the sustainability principles  throughout the value chain is a strategic objective of the Company. Thanks to  this Plan, we have established Ethical Principles and assigned a sustainable  development rating to 78% of our main suppliers (which invoice the group more  than 100,000 euros per year), and we have recently incorporated a sustainable  procurement guide and a catalogue with more than 500 items. A total of 2.500  suppliers received training on sustainability.

Society. ACCIONA is aware of its activity's impact on the  communities in which it operates. Hence, a key component of the Company's  community policy was to develop a social impact management methodology, which  is being gradually rolled out in the various markets. At the end of 2015, that methodology  was in place at 47 projects in 18 countries.

Our social commitment is complemented by the ACCIONA  Microenergy Foundation, which provides electricity to isolated rural areas of  Peru and Mexico using home solar systems, benefiting more than 30,000 people. Furthermore,  corporate voluntary work rose from 2,500 hours in 2012 to 23,800 hours in 2015.

In the area of corporate  governance, the Code of Conduct was enhanced and the crime prevention and  anti-corruption programme was stepped up through the creation of a new  Compliance Department. Accountability meant a qualitative improvement in disclosures by the company, together with  efforts to disseminate our  sustainability principles and retain our lead in this area—internally, in society at large and in international associations,  institutions and bodies—by means of a structured and personalised approach to  the various stakeholders.