The app assigns users with a specific QR code that provides employees with a secure and quick access to workplaces

ACCIONA has decided to release the source code of a set of technological apps that the group developed to allow employees and collaborators, both in Spain and other countries it operates in, to check if they are fit to go into work. The source code will be made available free of charge. This tool makes access to the company's offices and workplaces a much safer process, while reinforcing the company’s strict health, hygiene and prevention protocols.

The app, developed by ACCIONA's Technology and Innovation Department, asks employees to answer some simple health questions on their mobile phone before entering their workplace each day, in addition to other mandatory health and prevention measures upon arrival.

If the users’ answers meet with health protocols, they will receive a green QR code, serving as their daily “passport”. Users must then scan the “passport” at their security access points to work. If the QR code appears in red, the employees are referred to the company's medical services. The app, therefore, upholds an early-warning model and early-detection controls, which are key to fighting the spread of the pandemic.

Given the favorable response to the app, ACCIONA has now decided to release its source code, open to all and free of charge, so that other companies, public bodies and institutions of all kinds can also take advantage of this technology and better cope with the pandemic during their corresponding de-escalation period.

Its free license model (Affero GPL), widely distributed throughout the market, is open to other contributions and modifications, which will also be made available to third parties. The design of the app complies with all data protection regulations.

"We are aware that not everyone is able to make the same technological effort that we have developed during these months at ACCIONA. For this reason, we have decided to donate the source code of our set of applications, with the confidence that many other companies, of any and every size, will be able to make the most of it. This way, together, we will overcome this crisis", says Raúl Rivero, ACCIONA's Chief Information Officer (CIO).

The source code is available at

Currently, ACCIONA is combining both on-site work and home office models. Approximately two thirds of the company's employees worldwide who are able to work remotely are doing so. The company also carries out basic services management operations (water, electricity, etc.) which, with the highest protection measures, have continued to operate during this health crisis.

In addition to ensuring compliance with social distancing, the use of gels and masks and temperature checks, among many other preventive measures, the company continues to apply comprehensive policies to protect the health of its employees all over the globe.

Technology plays an essential role in ACCIONA's activity and day-to-day operations in all its different lines of business. Likewise, in terms of Innovation, ACCIONA is a leading company. In 2019, the group invested more than €230 million in R&D+i, making it one of the six companies that allocated the most funds to innovation in Spain.