The company presents an online portal to disseminate information on the latest development in the field of innovation

ACCIONA has created I’MNOVATION, a website that will bring the general public closer to the latest innovations worldwide related to energy, construction, water, science and technology, digital transformation and society. The website, available in both English and Spanish, will be regularly updated with articles, infographs, high-quality photographs and videos produced in-house.

I’MNOVATION will show rigorous content on developments in technology, industry and society in an enjoyable way, aimed at people of all ages and tastes.  

The intuitive lookandfeel of the website means that it is very easy to visualize, share or interact with the content and other users from any device. 

The creation of this website is part of ACCIONA’s commitment to a competitive model based on R&D+i. For example, ACCIONA spent over 180 million euros in innovation in 2015 (3% more than the year before), making it the 5th Spanish and the 144th European company in the investment ranking in R&D+i, according to the 2015 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard report by Economics of Industrial Research and Innovation (IRI) of the European Commission.

ACCIONA’s innovation focuses on improving efficiency, reducing costs and generating added value for projects so that they lead to a technological differential against its competitors. This approach has brought about savings of 26.2 million euros this year through operational improvements to processes.

I’MNOVATION joins the website, which shares the same educational approach. For the last three years it has published news, advice, videos and initiatives on sustainability and the environment, and now receives around 6,000,000 visits, making it one of the reference websites in the sector.