The company was ranked first in the B2B category and has improved its representation by six positions

ACCIONA holds first place in the Merco ranking of Responsible Companies with Corporate Governance 2018 and has been highlighted as the best B2B company to be included in the index.

In this year's assessment, ACCIONA has improved its position by moving up from 26th to 20th place, and has occupied first place in the ranking of companies that do not market their services directly to the final consumer (B2B). The company maintains its position as the best rated in its sector of activity.

The Merco ranking of Responsible Companies with Corporate Governance is based on surveys of representatives from different social groups of relevance to the business activity or stakeholders. A total of 1,173 executives from various companies, over 800 representatives of consumer associations, NGOs, CSR experts, government and trade union representatives and journalists and almost 5,500 citizens contributed their assessment to the 2018 ranking.