Refurbishment of earthquake-hit Philippe Pinel Psychiatric Hospital is underway while construction of the Exequiel González Cortés Hospital is nearly completed
ACCIONA Infraestructuras ha resultado adjudicataria de las obras de mejoramiento del Hospital Psiquiátrico Philippe Pinel, en Putaendo (San Felipe), en la región chilena de Valparaíso, que fue severamente dañado tras el terremoto que afectó a gran parte del país en 2010 y cuya remodelación ya estaba iniciada. El proyecto está valorado en 31,89 millones de dólares USA, unos 28,5 millones de euros, -para reformar 16.655 m² y construir 4.165 m² de obra nueva- y prevé un plazo de ejecución que supera los dos años. Además, la empresa está finalizando la construcción del Hospital Exequiel González Cortés, en Santiago, que tiene una superficie de 52.178 m2 y comprende 168 camas distribuidas en seis plantas y cinco pabellones quirúrgicos.
ACCIONA Infrastructure in Chile has been awarded a contract to refurbish the Philippe Pinel Psychiatric Hospital in Putaendo (San Felipe), in the region of Valparaíso, which was severely damaged after the 2010 earthquake. Rebuilding work had already begun.
The project, valued at US$31.9 million (about €28.5 million), requires the rehabilitation of 16,655 m² and building an additional 4,165 m², which is expected to take more than two years.
ACCIONA is also finalizing the construction of the six-storey Exequiel González Cortés Hospital in Santiago, with 52,178 m², five operating theaters and 168 beds.
In both projects ACCIONA has paid particular attention to aspects related to energy efficiency and earthquake safety. It has included elements of passive architecture such as thermal enclosures, the maximization of natural light and sunlight control, in addition to other active elements including high-efficiency lighting, centralized heat control and recovery, and a special seismic insulation system.
Both projects were included in the Chilean government’s “National Plan for Public Investment in Health for 2014-2018”, which includes the delivery of 20 new hospitals, the start of construction work on a further 20, and tender processes or studies for an additional 20 hospitals. The Ministry of Health has signed a framework agreement for cooperation and technical assistance with the Ministry of Public Works to fulfil the hospital construction plan.
Twenty years’ experience in Chile
ACCIONA has been in Chile for more than 20 years, carrying out major projects in the fields of infrastructure, water management and renewable energy.
In the area of concessions, ACCIONA has a 40-year contract to operate Ruta 160, a 91-kilometer-long highway in the southern region of Bio-Bio which is currently under construction. ACCIONA also built and operated the Vespucio Sur highway and the Litoral Central road network for a number of years. These two concessions were sold in 2011.
In water management, ACCIONA built the first desalination plant using reverse osmosis technology for the mining sector in Caldera (Copiapó province), as well as four wastewater treatment plants in Valdivia, Osorno, La Ligua and Temuco, with a total capacity of 228,000 m3/day. It also built the water and concentrate piping for the Cerro Negro Norte mine project for Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CAP Group).
The mining industry in Chile is an important client for ACCIONA. The company is currently building two ventilation tunnels for the national mining company Codelco at Chuquicamata’s underground mine.
In renewable energy, ACCIONA Energía Chile has been awarded contracts to supply 1,106 GWh/year for a period of 20 years following two energy tenders held by the Chilean Administration.
As a result, ACCIONA will build a 183 MW wind farm (San Gabriel) 5 kilometers east of Renaico (region of La Araucanía), among other projects, to meet its obligations. San Gabriel will generate electricity equivalent to the consumption of 250,000 Chilean homes and avoid the emission to the atmosphere of 486,000 metric tons of CO2 a year from coal-fired power stations.
ACCIONA is also building the largest solar plant in Latin America in the Atacama desert. The El Romero Solar photovoltaic plant, with capacity of 246 MWp, will gradually enter service later this year. ACCIONA operates a 45 MW wind farm in Chile at Punta Palmeras, in the region of Coquimbo, which entered into service in 2014, and has a number of wind power and photovoltaic projects in its portfolio.