In the framework of the tenth anniversary of the Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change, ACCIONA Chairman José Manuel Entrecanales participated yesterday in a meeting, presided over by the Prince of Wales, under the heading 'Leadership for the Future', in a move to encourage the private sector to reach a new international agreement in 2015 to combat climate change.
The Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) is a select group of business leaders who share the conviction that there is an urgent need to develop new policies with a long-term view to combat climate change. The group works at national and international level to encourage the adoption of more effective means of combating climate change and the creation of a low carbon economy.
ACCIONA has been part of the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) since 2009, alongside multinationals such as Unilever, Philips, Coca-Cola and Shell.
At yesterday's meeting, the Prince of Wales thanked the members of the CLG for 'consistently showing real leadership … through their actions' to fight climate change. 'They are a small but highly influential group of committed business leaders … and I am extremely proud of their achievements'. He noted that 'forward-thinking businesses are ever more determined that they are going to be a part of the solution to climate change'.
The Prince called on business to use all its influence to achieve, in 2015, an effective international agreement to combat climate change. In addition to ACCIONA's Chairman, the meeting was attended by Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, and Jose Manuel Durão Barroso, former President of the European Commission, among others.