It will provide a service to a population equivalent of 14,000 people

ACCIONA Agua has won the contract for the operation, maintenance and conservation of the wastewater transport and treatment plant (NILSA) of Tafalla–Olite in the region of Navarra, northern Spain.

As well as the WWTP, the contract covers the management of the wastewater transport network of the towns of Tafalla and Olite, plus the wastewater pumping station in Olite, which send the wastewater from the western part of the town to the treatment plant.

The WWTP of Tafalla-Olite is located to the west of Olite and receives the wastewater from the two towns. The facility has a daily flow rate of 5,555 cubic meters, although it currently treats an average 4,993 m3 per day for a population equivalent of 14,000 people.

The service will start on July 1st this year and will run for two years, plus two possible annual extensions for a sum of up to 514,000 euros.